Sunday, February 3, 2008

William Blake

As I started reading the Songs of innocence I realized that it was familiar territory! I remember reading those in high school. The poems were very enjoyable and easy to understand. In the songs of innocence there is almost a feeling of someone questioning life and all that is involved. However, when you make the switch to Songs of Experience the poems become really depressing and almost morbid. William Blake done a spectacular job making you realize that sometimes you must grow up and become an adult. He shows you the childlike side of life then quickly turns and shows you the responsibilities of being an adult. Somehow reading these poems made me want to stay a kid forever!! Being an adult is hard to adjust to sometimes. It's kinda funny because we grow up as kids wishing we were adults, but when we are adults we wish we were kids! I guess this proves that we as humans will never truly be happy and content!

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